What We Do


The Hampden-Wilbraham Partners for Youth coalition helps to plan initiatives that address local conditions contributing to substance use.

Our efforts take the form of:

• Educating parents about substance use risk, how to communicate with their teens, and how they can support community-wide prevention activities

• Increasing awareness of policies and regulations that better protect youth from alcohol and drugs and supporting law enforcement in their efforts to prevent access to alcohol and drugs for minors

• Working with school and community members to implement strategies and to support effective prevention curricula and services

• Co-sponsoring and supporting alcohol and drug-free school and community activities for youth and families

• Promoting community level programs to reduce prescription drug misuse such as Take Back Days, permanent disposal sites, and health care professionals’ education for safer prescribing

• Convening monthly meetings to discuss our progress, further identify emerging trends or changing local conditions, and provide trainings in effective prevention strategies

• Engaging the community in conversation about how each of us can play a role in substance use prevention

United For Safe, Healthy and Drug-Free Communities